‘Circling Highs, Unravelling Lows’

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Music for lyrics written by Natsu Hirukawa

Natsu Hirukawa asked Helen to set some lyrics she had written to music. The song appears in Natsu’s play titled I Picture... Listen to the song here: 27 Sonnet Lane: https://www.natsuhirukawa.online/27-sonnet-lane

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Music for two poems: collaboration with Natsu Hirukawa

Helen was asked to write music to accompany two poems written by Natsu Hirukawa. These poems are part of a collection of poetry films titled To Our Grace, which will be presented by BEAF-Bouremouth Emerging Arts Festival from June 26- July 4, 2021. Listen to both...

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International Women’s Day 2021

To help celebrate International Women’s Day 2021, musician Mackenzie (of Hot House Music) took a look at some of the female artists and musicians who have inspired her. Helen was very moved to have been mentioned.Read the blog post here:...

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Song inspired by Eddie Izzard

After speaking with the wonderful Eddie Izzard last month, Helen was buzzing so much that she stayed up most of the night to compose this song:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sn6BBoMmlEI&ab_channel=helenandrews

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A chat with Eddie Izzard!

Having been a fan of Eddie Izzard for years, Helen was delighted to have the chance to chat with her on Day 5 of her virtual tour of Europe, A Run for Hope #MakeHumanityGreatAgain Eddie ran an astonishing 32 marathons in 31 days to raise money for various charities,...

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Music for a good cause

Any royalties from any music purchased from the Helen Andrews store between November and Christmas will go towards Henry The Brave’s Appeal https://www.solvingkidscancer.org.uk/appeal/henry

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Haunting and enticing melodies and wistful lyrics
Ian Anderson on 'Circling Highs, Unravelling Lows' (2016)

Jethro Tull

Helen Andrews is one of those rare music biz commodities – the voice of an angel and not yet signed to a major record company. Which is just as well, as Helen is a maturing young career artist – not another instant love ’em and leave ’em one hit wonder which the world can do without. She weaves an autobiographical spell of sensitive, sensual mystery – is this the stuff of personal experience or creative, wishful fantasy? – who knows, but who cares? In hearing, lies the taking. Her gift to you. Grab it while you can.
Ian Anderson (2003)

Jethro Tull



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